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This function pulls data from the Australian Road Deaths Database, specifically, the circumstances of the crash, for example, date, location, crash type.


oz_road_fatal_crash(source = "stable")



Character. Either "stable" or "latest".


a dataset (tibble) of fatal crash data

Format: a data frame with 43,345 observations on the following 14 variables.


An integer, 13 digits, unique to each crash


Text, Austraian jurisdiction, Abbreviation for each state and territory. QLD = Queensland, NSW = New South Wales, ACT = Australian Capital Territory, VIC = Victoria, TAS = TASMANIA, SA = South Australia, WA = Western Australian, NT = Northern Territory


Date, Year, Month. This is the date of the crash, but with unknown date (set to 1st)


Integer, the month of the date of the crash


Integer, the year of the date of the crash


Text the weekday of the date of the crash


Time, the time of the date of the crash


POSIXct, the date time of the crash


Integer, number of killed persons in the crash


Character, Code summarising the type of type of crash. Single, Multiple, or Pedestrian


logical - whether a bus was involved in the crash (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


logical - whether a heavy rigid truck was involved in the crash (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


logical - whether a articulated trucl was involved in the crash (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


Integer, posted speed limit at the location of crash


There are two sources of data: and While is more up-to-date, there are inconsistencies between the two sources for certain crash records.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }